State Rep. Graham Filler today issued the following statement after the House Criminal Justice Committee voted to approve Juvenile Life Without Parole legislation (House Bills 4160-64) and Second Look legislation (House Bills 4556-4560):
“Democrats on the House Criminal Justice Committee betrayed the trust of Michigan families today by ramming through two dangerous bill packages without transparency or accountability. These bills open the door for violent criminals, including rapists and murderers, to walk free after serving only a fraction of their sentences.
“First, the Juvenile Life Without Parole package would make murderers who were juveniles at the time of their crimes eligible for early parole. This is not justice for the families who have lost loved ones to unthinkable acts of violence.
“Just as troubling, the Second Look package would allow resentencing for violent felons who committed such heinous crimes that they deserved sentences longer than 20 years. This plan prioritizes leniency for criminals over the safety of our communities.
“This isn’t criminal justice reform — it’s insanity. And how did the Democrats push this through? By hiding it. These bills weren’t on the agenda, and sweeping changes were made at the eleventh hour, in the dark, without public input. This secretive process robbed the public of their right to weigh in on legislation that directly affects their safety.”

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