State Reps. Dave Prestin, Carrie Rheingans, and Mike Harris on Thursday introduced a bipartisan plan to help people save lives by preventing blood loss.
The legislation would provide liability protections for people trying to stop bleeding wounds and ensure high school students learn bleeding control techniques. The lawmakers introduced the plan on “Stop the Bleed Day,” which the House of Representatives commemorated in Prestin’s resolution adopted Thursday.
“Seconds count when someone has a major injury,” said Prestin, R-Cedar River, who has worked as a first responder for over 13 years. “A person can bleed out of a major artery within two minutes. Regular people can be the difference between someone dying on the side of the road and getting to see their family again. Anyone willing to help should be able to act quickly without worrying about potential legal liabilities.”
Prestin and Rheingans sponsored House Bills 5742 and 5743, which would add bleeding control to the state’s Good Samaritan law, which protects individuals from legal liability for attempting to save lives in certain emergencies. The law currently applies to administration of an opioid antagonist, CPR, and other emergency response situations. A person would still be liable for acts and omissions that amount to gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct.
“In an emergency, quick work to prevent blood loss can be the difference between life and death, and people shouldn’t have to think twice before attempting bleeding control,” said Rheingans, D-Ann Arbor. “Good Samaritans who stop the bleed shouldn’t face lawsuits for their noble efforts. Our bipartisan plan will empower bystanders to take action and save lives.”
Harris sponsored House Bill 5741, which would require high school health courses to include instruction and hands-on training on how to stop bleeding using tourniquets, bandages, and other equipment in first aid response kits. Under the Michigan Merit Curriculum, students must complete a half-credit in health to graduate high school.
“Everyone can and should be ready to step in during an emergency, stop the bleed, and save a life,” said Harris, R-Waterford, a retired police sergeant and former EMT. “Proper training equips people with the knowledge and experience to apply bleeding control when the need arises. Incorporating this training into high school health classes will help students learn bleeding control and get hands-on training while they’re young, so they’ll be up to the task if they ever need to stop a bleed.”
House Resolution 267 marks May 23, 2024, as Stop the Bleed Day in Michigan. The national Stop the Bleed campaign raises awareness and facilitates training about bleeding control tactics.

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